Saturday, August 29, 2009

Quick fix

Below is a picture of my birthday shoes. I'm absolutely obsessed with them. I would sleep in them if I could. (Un)Fortunately, they aren't the most practical shoes, being 5" leather heels, so they will only be coming out for special occasions.

While I was out gettin' grown for my birthday celebration, I scuffed these babies up like CrAzY!! The scuffs wouldn't rub off and I was terrified that these beauties were ruined.

I decided to try rubbing alcohol on them. It worked great!! I wasn't sure if it would do anything but it was the perfect fix. Obviously, with this fix you have to be careful with the type of material you're using it on. But I was lucky that my shoes were saved!!

Sidenote: They are not as white as they appear in the picture. They are more of a creamy pearl. I would never be caught dead in white heels (probably).

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