Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's a Wonderful Lie

I'll be investing in this book as a bit of something to lean on while I realize that my twenties weren't all I thought they'd be cracked up to be.

Spinning my wheels again

After a severe hiatus of being the Spinster you all know and love (well I never stopped.. just stopped writing about it), I'm back in the game. After what I thought was a whirlwind of my life finally coming together, turns out I was wrong. It's back to square one. I don't even feel like it's a new chapter, I feel like it's a brand new book but I have no idea what the subject will even cover.

After eight of the most stressful months of my life back in school and working full-time, going through a complete break up/break down with OOMA, seeing three of my very best friends getting married one having a baby, while countless others moved away, I feel a bit left in the dust.

Everything seemed to be moving forward, upward, onward... for everyone but me. It's time to take a several steps back and start fresh. What I'd LOVE to do is move to an entirely different state... break free of anything I've ever known - but I can't do that. I don't have the financial stability for that, or the support of my parents to do so (which still matters quite a bit to this single twenty-something girl).

So what's the plan, you ask? Moving back home - with my parents. The last thing I thought I'd ever do in my entire life. The last thing I want to ever do in my entire life. The year I moved home with my parents after college was quite possibly the most stressful year of all our lives. But, it's the only place I can go to get my feet back on the ground (for free).

The job thing didn't work out. The love thing didn't work out. So, here's to new beginnings in hopes of finding something that does work out.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New blog



Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Working out on a budget? Yes, please!

So last year I decided I was ready to make a commitment to the gym. I joined for about $50 a month and was locked into a one-year contract. "No problem," I thought. "It's 10 minutes from my apartment and the $50 a month is motivation enough to go. And they have great classes! And it's an all-female gym!"

Yes, it was the perfect place to get myself back in shape! I went every day for about two months straight. I was devoted. I saw major results. I was thrilled!

...and then I was over it. Getting home from work at 6 p.m. every evening, rushing to make a quick dinner so I could get to the gym, then getting changed for the gym, going back out to go to the gym, getting home from the gym around 8 p.m. to shower and then go to bed around 10:30 p.m. I had no time to really relax or if I had to run errands after work, or want to hang out with friends, it would throw off my whole work out schedule. And when I started school in November, FORGET IT. No time! So I kind of just quit. December was my last month of payment so luckily no more $50 a month for nothing!

But I still need to get back in shape. I need to do some serious toning on my arms and chest for these gorgeous bridesmaid dresses I'll be soon wearing! Plus, every year I get older, I see a little more sag on my bod... yuck.

I decided the best way to do things is to start at home. If I try doing some workout DVDs at home that will allow me to still come home and have time to relax, begin making my dinner or at least have time to eat a sensible dinner and do homework or whatever else I need to be doing.

So for Christmas my mom got me 5 lb. weights and a yoga ball (DVD included, so that helps!). And the other day I googled "best workout DVDs." Luckily, Fitness Magazine's top 10 workout DVDs popped up right away so I looked into them.

Once again, Amazon amazed me! If I had gone to the store and bought three workout DVDs, I would have spent probably $60+. I bought three workout DVDs, with GREAT reviews (and again, from Fitness Magazine's top 10 list so I trust them!), for $27/free shipping on Amazon!

Here I am, with my one time cost of $27. I know the gym and workout DVDs are a huge difference in an actual work out, but for someone who just wants to tone up and be moderately active I think it's a great trade-off for the cost.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Know anyone like this?

"I don't know if she wants to be me, or skin me and wear me like last year's Versace.”
- Dina Manzo, Real Housewives of New Jersey