Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I hate everyone. . .

Almost a true statement.

Joan Rivers has an amazing new book out called I Hate Everyone. . . Starting With Me. I meannn.. the concept is pure brilliance.

If you haven't been lucky enough to come across the book, I'll give you a run down:
Joan Rivers calls out all the idiots in America. . . and/or the world. However, this does include herself - so stop hating.

I'm going to take a page out of Joan's book (pun intended) and start my own I Hate Everyone. . . "segment" of my blog. I'll make it label (This will make this "segment" of my blog easier for you to follow/stalk. You're welcome.), and each time someone or something annoys me - I'll add to it. Better check back for regular updates to make sure you're not on my list!

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