It's been a while AGAIN.. I know. Sorry to all of my millions of fans and followers who anxiously await these fantastic posts. :)
Well life sure has taken me for a ride as of late. Mid-summer I was offered a teaching job at a school in Orlando and it seemed like a very good opportunity compared to where I had been teaching. I accepted and was immediately thrown into looking for a new place to live and planning a move in the middle of vacations and trying to soak up my summer and life in Tampa as much as possible. All of this happening without really thinking -- oh shit, I'm leaving my whole life behind.
Yes, of course it's not a long distance. Thank goodness I can go see my friends whenever I want, but after living in one city for almost 9 whole years and then leaving can really be a bit traumatizing. I was too busy preparing for my new life to really realize that there was going to be a new life. I looked at all of the positives and tried to ignore that voice in the back of my head saying "Bitch! We aren't ready for this kind of change!" The week before the move I was on vacation in New York, pretty much moved right after I came back, and immediately after the move I started work that Monday. I was busy enjoying my new work environment and getting my new apartment set up and still not allowing myself to listen to that voice searching for my attention, still calling out to me, "This is a lot of change homegirl, you betta reckanize." (Yes I do get sassy inside my own head on the reg.)
It wasn't until I actually went back to Tampa to visit a friend in town 3 weeks after my move that it really hit me. I don't live here anymore, holy shit. And again, people may wonder why it's such a big deal... but this little lady does not like change. I was comfortable. I knew everyone around me. I knew my surroundings like the back of my hand. It was my home. It broke my heart to drive past my old apartment complex, to go to the bars I used to frequent on an almost weekly basis, to know that everyone I was seeing was able to stay there - in our old routine - and I had to leave in a couple of days. Once I got back to Orlando I was almost devastated. I couldn't stop feeling like I'd made the biggest mistake by moving to Orlando, the place I technically grew up and was supposed to be 'home' for me. It was a very rough week of trying to convince myself that it would all work out and it's all happened for a reason.
My affection for Tampa is so strong because I feel like that is the place I actually grew up. I went to college there, met the best friends in the world, met the boys I loved and lost, experienced firsts of almost every kind, and really grew into and became a person I am so proud of being based on everything that was experienced and happened there.
It's been, and still is, a rough transition. It's been just over a month since my move. I still miss my old apartment, my comfort of knowing that city, my bars and nightlife, and of course my friends in Tampa. However I'm slowly forcing myself to adjust. Luckily I have been able to see the bright side of my career opportunities at my new school, and decided to take serious advantage of the friends and family that I do have here in order to build upon the life I left behind.
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